Topics Related to Fish

Scientific Name: Erimonax monachus

Classification: Federally Threatened, State Threatened

Scientific Name: Percina aurantiaca

Classification: Nongame Fish

Abundance: Common

Scientific Name: Menidia extensa

Status:  Federally Threatened, State Threatened

Scientific Name: Petromyzon marinus

Classification: Nongame Fish

Abundance: Common (green area)

Scientific Name: Percina rex

Classification: Federally Endangered, State Endangered

Abundance: Extremely rare (found only in brown area)

Scientific Name: Aphredoderus sayanus

Classification: Nongame Fish

Abundance: Common in NC (dark area)

Scientific Name: Acipenser fulvescens
Classification:  Nongame Fish
Abundance: Rare; State Listed as Species of Special Concern.

Scientific Name: Fundulus chrysotus

Classification: Nongame Fish

Abundance: Rare in North Carolina (green areas)

Scientific Name: Moxostoma sp. ‘Carolina’

Classification: State Threatened

Abundance: Rare (green areas)

Scientific Name: Noturus furiosus
Classification: Federal Species of Concern, State Threatened
Abundance: Rare (green areas)