Land Management

Land Donation


Establish the legacy of your commitment to our state’s resources by making your land available to benefit future generations and for conservation purposes by donating it for use as one of the following:

  • Conservation – land managed to provide for wildlife habitats and public opportunities for hunting, fishing, trapping, and wildlife observation.
  • Boating Access Area – provides the boating public with free access to the state’s waters.
  • Public Fishing Access Area – provides the fishing public with free access to the banks of the state’s lakes, rivers, streams, and reservoirs.

If you are interested in donating your property and believe that it contains conservation value or offers opportunities for public boating or fishing access, please contact the agency’s Land Acquisition Manager at 919-707-0053.

Donate Through Your Will or Living Trust

You may also make a tax-deductible land contribution to Wildlife Commission via the Wildlife & Outdoor Recreation Foundation by designating the Foundation as a beneficiary of a bequest through your will or living trust. For questions please email or call 252-985-8445 today.