
A selection of species found in North Carolina.

46 results found
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Eastern Lampmussel exterior

Eastern Lampmussel

Scientific Name: Lampsilis radiata radiata

Classification:  State Threatened

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Eastern Pondmussel exterior

Eastern Pondmussel

Scientific Name: Ligumia nasuta

Classification:  State Threatened

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Green Floater exterior

Green Floater

Scientific Name: Lasmigona subviridis

Classification:  State Endangered

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Kidneyshell exterior


Scientific Name: Ptychobranchus fasciolaris

Classification:  State Extirpated

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Littlewing Pearlymussel exterior

Littlewing Pearlymussel

Scientific Name: Pegias fabula

Classification:  Federal and State Endangered

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Mountain Creekshell exterior

Mountain Creekshell

Scientific Name: Villosa vanuxemensis

Classification:  State Threatened

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Notched Rainbow exterior

Notched Rainbow

Scientific Name: Villosa constricta

Classification:  State Threatened

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Oyster Mussel female exterior

Oyster Mussel

Scientific Name: Epioblasma capsaeformis

Classification:  State Extirpated

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Pheasantshell exterior


Scientific Name: Actinonaias pectorosa

Classification:  State Extirpated

Photo Credit: NCWRC


Scientific Name: Quadrula pustulosa

Classification:  State Extirpated

Images are currently not available.


Scientific Name: Tritogonia verrucosa

Classification:  State Extirpated

Images are currently not available.

Pod Lance exterior

Pod Lance

Scientific Name: Elliptio folliculata 

Classification:  State Special Concern 

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Purple Lilliput exterior

Purple Lilliput

Scientific Name: Toxolasma lividus

Classification:  State Extirpated

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Purple Wartyback exterior

Purple Wartyback

Scientific Name: Cyclonaias tuberculata

Classification:  State Endangered

Photo Credit: NCWRC