Fire Works for Wildlife!

As we settle into the new year, not only do our resolutions fade away, but so do the memories of the pyrotechnic grand finales that rang in 2023.

But for landowners who are interested in habitat improvement, this is a great time to see fire work on their property. Prescribed burning is a critical tool to manage declining habitat types across the state, and it benefits species of greatest conservation need, which rely on these habitats.

Fire can be used to maintain early successional habitats required by Bobwhite quail and indigo buntings.  Fire can be used to improve deer browse in pine stands, to manage endangered Venus Fly Traps and Red Cockaded Woodpecker habitat.  And fire can even be used to promote oak regeneration.

Prescribed burning is often viewed as a tool used on large tracts of government-owned land, such as the Sandhills Game Land. However, all the benefits of burning on public land can be had by burning on private lands as well.

If you are interested in adding prescribed burning as a habitat management tool on your property, planning is critical. There are plenty of folks to help you consider your options and guide you towards beginning a burning program. The Wildlife Commission has Wildlife Conservation Biologists who specialize in helping private landowners improve wildlife habitat on their property through a myriad of options, including prescribed burning.

Consider using the typical fireworks schedule as you seek guidance. Between now and Independence Day, reach out to a Wildlife Commission biologist or professionals from other agencies and organizations to develop or update your land management plan. Between July 4 and New Year’s Day, research certified burner or Prescribed Burn Associations in your area that can assist you with implementing prescribed burns as well as financial assistance programs which may provide funding to offset the cost of conducting burns.

Then as the fireworks welcoming the new year take to the skies, you’ll be prepared to see first-hand how “fire works“ to improve wildlife habitat on your property.      

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