NCWRC Science Communication Webinar

  • How has Alabama Bass changed the landscape of black bass fisheries in North Carolina?
  • How do biologists use data from hunters through Big Game Harvest Reporting and Biological Deer Data collection to monitor deer populations in NC?
  • How and why do biologists estimate huntable lands in NC?
  • How does the NCWRC use public input to improve hunting and fishing in NC?

Learn answers to these questions and more through the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission’s webinar series, “NCWRC Science Communication Webinar”. This informative series allows Wildlife Commission staff to share their expertise, insights, and experiences to show how science informs the decisions made to conserve our state’s natural resources and improve our fishing, hunting, and wildlife-watching opportunities for all North Carolinians. 

Survey, monitoring, and research projects are conducted in, and coordinated by staff in, the Wildlife Management, Inland Fisheries, Habitat Conservation, and Land and Water Access divisions, and the Office of Conservation Policy and Analysis. In addition to internal projects, our agency partners with more than 20 universities in North Carolina and across the country, many Non-governmental Organizations (like Trout Unlimited or Ducks Unlimited), and private consultants. It’s a win-win for all involved.

-- David Cobb