Interested in Becoming a Recognized BearWise Community? Here’s How to Join . . . .

Author: Anna Gurney

BearWise® ( is an outreach program that provides science-based resources and information on how to live responsibly with American black bears. The program encourages residents, businesses and communities to take proactive measures to avoid conflicts with bears with a goal for harmonious co-habitation. It’s helpful information for anyone living in communities frequented by bears – which can literally be almost anywhere in the state!

In North Carolina, there’s also a BearWise recognition program for communities that collectively agree to follow the BearWise Basics. Our staff work with a community to develop and adopt a customized plan using BearWise practices. They’ll examine current practices, identify attractants and propose actions to secure them. Our staff then help the community develop a committee of volunteer residents to promote the BearWise practices and track bear activity in the community.

By placing the onus on the residents, the community takes more ownership of its recognition status. Once the agreed-upon plan is put into action, the community will receive its own BearWise Community signs and be acknowledged on the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission’s website. Commission staff will continue to provide support and conduct an annual, official “check” to ensure compliance.

These recognized BearWise Communities provide a framework for residents to change their own behavior, ultimately prompting a change in the bears’ behavior and thus a reduction in interactions. Businesses, campuses and outdoor recreation areas can also achieve recognition as part of N.C.’s BearWise recognition program.

Groups interested in being recognized as a BearWise community can email for more information.

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