Topics Related to Amphibians - Frogs and Toads

Scientific Names: Hyla squirella
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Found primarily in Coastal Plain (blue)

Scientific Names: Hyla femoralis
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Coastal Plain (blue)

Scientific Names: Hyla andersonii
Classification: Nongame species; State-listed as Threatened; N.C. Natural Heritage Program-Significantly Rare. Official State Frog of NC.

Scientific Names: Hyla cinera
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Found primarily in Coastal Plain (blue)

Scientific Names: Cope's Gray Treefrog: Hyla chrysoscelis, Northern Gray Treefrog: Hyla versicolor
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Cope's Gray Treefrog - Abundant (blue); 

Scientific Name: Hyla gratiosa
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Found primarily in Coastal Plain & eastern Piedmont (blue)

Scientific Name: Pseudacris feriarum
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Most common in Piedmont; rarer in the mountains and Coastal Plain (blue)

Scientific Name: Pseudacris crucifer
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Found statewide (except Outer Banks)

Scientific Name: Pseudacris nigrita
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Coastal Plain (blue)

Scientific Name: Pseudacris ornata
Classification: Nongame species-State Listed as Endangered
Range: Southern Coastal Plain (blue)