Topics Related to Fish

Scientific Name: Lepomis gulosus

Classification: Game Fish

Abundance: Common in shallow reservoirs and slow rivers in the Piedmont and Coastal region of NC.

Scientific Name: Lepomis gibbosus

Classification: Game Fish

Abundance: Reservoirs throughout NC, as well as many coastal rivers.

Scientific Name: Stizostedion vitreum

Classification:  Game Fish

Abundance: Common in several reservoirs in the Piedmont and Mountain regions of NC

Scientific Name: Esox masquinongy

Classification:  Game Fish

Abundance: Inhabit the New, Nolichucky, and French Broad Rivers, as well as a few reservoirs in western NC.

Scientific Name: Cyprinus carpio

Classification:  Nongame Fish

Abundance: Common throughout the state

Scientific Name: Esox niger

Classification:  Game Fish

Abundance: Commonly found in slow-flowing streams, lakes and swamps of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain.

Scientific Name: Amia calva

Classification:  Nongame Fish

Abundance: Common in the Coastal rivers of NC.

Scientific Name: Moxostoma robustum

Classification: State Endangered

Abundance: Rare (dark area)

Scientific Name: Morone chrysops

Classification: Game Fish

Abundance: Large reservoirs in the Mountain and Piedmont region of NC.


Scientific Name: Moxostoma sp.

Classification: Federal Candidate for Listing, State Threatened