Raccoon Diseases


Raccoon Roundworm

Raccoon roundworm is an intestinal parasite infection of Baylisascaris worms. There are many species of Baylisascaris and each parasite is associated with a different host species. Raccoons are the primary host of Baylisascaris procyonis. Raccoon roundworm eggs are passed in the feces of infected raccoons and must develop in the environment to become infectious. Cases of Baylisascaris are uncommon in the southeastern states but infections can be severe. Contracting roundworms can be prevented by avoiding direct contact with raccoons and their feces.

To learn more about raccoon roundworm visit, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Raccoons are the primary host of this roundworm; however, other types of animals can become infected such as birds and small mammals. Raccoons become infected with this parasite by eating infectious roundworm eggs during foraging, feeding and grooming. They can also become infected by eating rodents, rabbits, and birds that are infected with roundworm larvae. 

Raccoon roundworm eggs are not visible and can only be seen with a microscope. Time from exposure to showing symptoms of raccoon roundworm can take 1 to 4 weeks. Signs and symptoms in humans can include nausea, tiredness, liver enlargement, loss of coordination, loss of muscle control, and blindness. 

Raccoon roundworm does not cause any harm to raccoons. The parasite only effects other animals or humans that ingest the infectious larvae. Once ingested, eggs hatch into larvae in the intestines and travel throughout the body, affecting organs and muscles. Signs and symptoms vary depending on how many eggs are ingested and where the larvae move to in the body. 

Raccoon roundworm can infect people and a variety of wildlife and domestic pets. However, fewer than 25 cases of Baylisascaris have been documented in the United States. Children or those who are more likely to put dirt or animal waste in their mouth by mistake have a higher risk of ingesting the parasite. Pets can also become infected by eating infectious feces or eating an animal that has been infected with raccoon roundworm.  It takes 2-4 weeks for the eggs in raccoon feces to become infectious in the environment. Prompt removal of raccoon feces will reduce risk for exposure.