Learn to Hunt
Interested in learning about hunting but don’t know any hunters?
Then our Hunting Webinars or Learn to Hunt Program are for you! Learn the basics of hunting including:
- Hunting skills
- Equipment and strategies
- Wild game processing and cooking
What is the Learn to Hunt Program?
Learn to Hunt Workshops address informational barriers to participation and primarily meant for those who are interested in hunting, but don’t know how to get started. The Learn to Hunt program provides a surrogate mentored experience for those lacking social support via existing hunting family member or friend.
Learn to Hunt workshops are designed to teach new to hunting individuals "how to hunt" via a multi-faceted hunting-related skills and strategies experience and then begin hunting on their own, or with the support from family member and friends following the Learn to Hunt.
Potential hunts, although not guaranteed, may/might follow the Learn to Hunt workshop, but are largely dependent on conservation partner support (i.e., experienced hunter volunteers) with dates/times TBD and individuals must complete the Learn to Hunt workshop to be eligible….no exceptions.
Learn to Hunt Program Attendance Requirements
While all are welcome to attend, this course was specifically developed with the following people in mind:
- Individuals who have never hunted or have not actively hunted for more than three years.
- Individuals who lack the social support to hunt (i.e., have no readily available hunting family members or friends).
- Individuals whose licenses may have lapsed (inactive hunters), including those who have never harvested big game.
Learn To Hunt Program Attendance Pre-requirements
- Hunter Safety Certification: Hunter Education Courses (Online, virtual and in person courses are available)
- VALID NC Hunting License: Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Licenses
Questions regarding hunting license requirements contact NCWRC Customer Service Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. @ 833-950-0575 or by email at info@gooutdoorsnorthcarolina.com.
REGISTRATION @ https://license.gooutdoorsnorthcarolina.com/Event/EventsHome.aspx
- Type: Hunting Workshops.
- Start Date: day of event.
- End Date: Search out a month after the date as the calendar only shows 4 months out from any date.
NOTE: BE SURE TO REVIEW event summaries as 8-hour workshops have attendance requirements and for licensing-related questions call our call center @ 833-950-0575
LTH Hunting Workshops (8 hours) including turkey, deer, bear, squirrel, waterfowl, and upland game:
- Turkey (Mountain Research Station, Waynesville): Saturday, March 1
- Turkey (Camp Lejeune): Saturday, March 8
- Turkey (Ft. Liberty): Saturday, March 15
- Turkey (Seymour Johnson AFB / Howell Woods ESF): Saturday, March 22
- Turkey (Gastonia): Saturday, March 29
- Deer (Ft. Liberty): Saturday, August 2
- Deer (Camp Lejeune): Saturday, August 9
- Deer (Mountain Research Station, Waynesville): Saturday, August 16
- Bear (Mountain Research Station, Waynesville): Sunday, August 17
- Deer (Seymour Johnson AFB / Howell Woods): Saturday, August 23
- Upland Game (Lentz Shooting Complex): Sunday, August 24
- Squirrel (Gastonia): Saturday, September 6
- Waterfowl (Ft. Liberty): Saturday, September 13
- Waterfowl (Camp Lejeune): Saturday, September 20
- Deer (Gastonia): Saturday, October 4
LTH Hunting Webinars (Online Virtual) including turkey, deer, bear, squirrel, waterfowl, and upland game:
- Turkey (WRC): Biology for Hunters, Regulations, Where to Hunt, Scouting, Tuesday, February 25
- Turkey (WRC): Firearms, Ammo, Clothing, Footwear, Misc. Equipment, Wednesday, February 26
- Turkey (WRC): Hunting Techniques and Strategies) Thursday, February 27
- Deer Hunting (NHEMP): Tuesday, September 2
- Deer Processing (NHEMP): Thursday, September 4
- Squirrel Hunting (WRC): Tuesday, September 9
- Upland Game Hunting (BDS): Thursday, September 11
- Waterfowl (DU): Tuesday, September 16
- Waterfowl (Delta): Thursday, September 18
- Bear: Tuesday, September 23
LTH-PLUS Mini Workshops (3 hours) and all in Ellerbe, NC.
- Turkey Shotgun Pattern Testing: Saturday, February 1
- Turkey Shotgun Pattern Testing: Saturday, February 8
- Basic Gear & Hunting Scenario including Scouting, Roosting, Setup and Decoys: Saturday, February 15
- Basic Gear & Hunting Scenario including Scouting, Roosting, Setup and Decoys: Saturday, February 22
SHOOTING SKILLS (species specific):
- Deer Hunting Rifle Shooting Practice: Saturday, June 7
- Upland Game Shotgun Clay Shooting Practice: Saturday, June 14
- Squirrel Hunting Rim-fire Rifle Shooting Practice: Saturday, June 21
- Deer Hunting Archery Practice and Preparation: Saturday, June 28
- Scouting and Game Recovery: Saturday, October 11
- Hunting Stand Types and Demonstrations: Saturday, October 18
- Muzzle Loader 101: Saturday, October 25
- Basic Gear / Hunting Scenario: Sunday, October 26
TWO (2) FREE Deer Field Dressing & Processing Events (New Hill Hunter Education and Mentoring Program):
- WHEN: Saturday, December 6 from (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
- WHERE: Apex NC and Lillington NC (same day / two separate locations).
- OFFICIAL SPONSOR: New Hill Hunter Education and Mentoring Program.
HOW TO ATTEND (2-fold process):
- Register via this portal for WRC records.
- Reach out DIRECTLY to New Hill via text @ 919-250-8441 to complete their registration process and for additional information.
NOTE: Each event will max at 20 participants, and you MUST complete the two-fold registration process to qualify; no exceptions.
Please Note:
Complete/Actual Addresses for workshops will be distributed to all registrants 2 to 3 days prior to each event and is done by intent to:
- Deter registration bypass (i.e., showing up unregistered)
- Prevent overbooking as only registered attendees get actual address.
- Maintain target audience attendance.
Webinar and Learn to Hunt Program Must Read
- Learn about upcoming webinars by subscribing to the agency's monthly e-newsletter N.C. Wildlife Update.
- Learn to Hunt program attendance is by request only and subject to attendance requirements and prerequisites as noted above.
- Since Learn to Hunt programs are largely dependent on conservation partner facilitation, existing, experienced hunters are sorely needed as instructors, assistant instructors, logistics assistants and scouting/hunting mentors.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: I’m an experienced hunter wanting to register a family member for a Learn to Hunt program. Can I register my family member?
Answer: No. Individuals who have hunting family members already have readily available access to a hunting mentor. Learn to Hunt programs are intended for individuals lacking social support via a readily available hunting mentor.
Question: I’m an experienced hunter wishing to donate my experience, time and effort at Learn to Hunt programs. Can I assist with a Workshop?
Answer: Yes. Building a pool of volunteer instructors/assistants is critical to Learn to Hunt program expansion. Individuals interested in assisting as instructors with Learn to Hunt program will be required to “shadow” during a pre-workshop training session before becoming a Learn to Hunt instructor.
Question: I haven’t hunted for a long time, would like to get back into it and have never taken a deer or turkey anywhere. Can I attend the Learn to Hunt Workshop?
Answer: Yes. Learn to Hunt Workshops provide an opportunity for lapsed (inactive) hunters interested in getting started again including those that have NEVER harvested big game (i.e. deer or turkey) regardless of previous state of residence.
Question: I’m an inexperienced, new hunter and want to learn more so I can mentor my own family and friends. Can I attend the Learn to Hunt Workshop?
Answer: Yes. Learn to Hunt Workshops offer new, inexperienced hunters a mentor experience while encouraging continued mentoring of family members and friends beyond the workshop.
Question: I’ve never hunted and want to learn more before I begin hunting. Can I attend the Learn to Hunt Workshop?
Answer: Yes. Learn to Hunt Workshops offer individuals interested in hunting a mentor experience in the absence of an existing mentor.
For additional webinar and Learn to Hunt program information including volunteer opportunities to be part of the Learn to Hunt team, Contact Walter “Deet” James, the Hunter Engagement Coordinator at learntohunt@ncwildlife.org (preferred), 919-707-0059 (office), 984-202-1387 (mobile).