Contact a Licensed Trapper
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has compiled a list of licensed trappers that may assist the public during the trapping season (November through February) when they experience problems with certain wildlife species. By resolving conflicts with wildlife during the trapping season, the trapper can utilize the animal as a valuable natural resource, since this is the time of year when an animal’s fur is prime. It is also a time of year when young are independent and won’t be orphaned.
Consumer Advisory: Citizens are advised to contract for the services of a licensed trapper in the same way one selects a vendor for carpentry, plumbing or other repair services. For example, an explanation of the service to be provided and the expected cost involved.
Citizens may wish to control wildlife damage themselves. NC Wildlife Law Enforcement Officers, NCWRC Wildlife Biologists, and WDCAs can issue Wildlife Depredation Permits to citizens at no charge. Trapper education is offered by the Wildlife Commission.
To see a list of licensed trappers by county, select a county and species below: