
A selection of species found in North Carolina.

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Bullhead Catfish

Scientific Name: Ameiurus nebulosus
Classification: Nongame fish
Abundance: Commonly found in many piedmont and coastal rivers, ponds, and reservoirs.


Canada Goose

Scientific Name: Branta canadensis
Classification: Game Species
Abundance: Common throughout state

Cape Fear Shiner

Scientific Name: Notropis mekistocholas
Classification: Federally Endangered, State Endangered
Abundance: Extremely rare; found only in the Cape Fear River basin
in the North Carolina Piedmont

Cape Fear Spike

Scientific Name: Elliptio marsupiobesa

Classification:  State Special Concern

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Carolina Creekshell

Scientific Name: Villosa vaughaniana

Classification:  State Endangered

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Carolina Fatmucket

Scientific Name: Villosa vaughaniana

Classification:  State Endangered

Carolina Gopher Frog

Scientific Name: Rana [=Lithobates] capito
Classification: Nongame species-State listed Endangered
Range: Rare (blue)

Carolina Heelsplitter

Scientific Name: Lasmigona decorata

Classification:  Federal and State Endangered