
A selection of species found in North Carolina.

345 results found
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Eastern Garter Snake


Scientific Name:  Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis

Classification:  Nongame

Abundance:  Common throughout the state

Eastern Lampmussel exterior

Eastern Lampmussel

Scientific Name: Lampsilis radiata radiata

Classification:  State Threatened

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Eastern Narrowmouth Toad

Scientific Name: Gastrophryne carolinensis
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Found in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont (blue)

Eastern Newt

Eastern Newt

Scientific Name: Notophthalmus viridescens
Classification: Nongame species
Abundance: Common statewide (dark blue denotes
range of red-spotted newt; light blue denotes range of
broken-striped newt.)

Eastern Pondmussel exterior

Eastern Pondmussel

Scientific Name: Ligumia nasuta

Classification:  State Threatened

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Eastern Spadefoot

Scientific Name: Scaphiopus holbrookii
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Most common in Coastal Plain & Piedmont (blue)