Nongame and Other Regulations

The Wildlife Resources Commission has a much broader regulatory responsibility than just the recreational activities of hunting, trapping and fishing. General Statutes charge the Commission with stewardship of all wildlife resources. As a result, the Commission enforces other rules, many pertaining to nongame wildlife. Nongame animals are defined in the General Statutes as "all wild animals except game and fur-bearing animals". Please see the Definition of Terms applied to governing possession, buying and selling of wildlife for more information.

Nongame Regulations

Possession and Collection
Rules about possession, collection, taking and transporting nongame wildlife.

NC's State and Federally Listed Wildlife Species (pdf)
List of protected species in North Carolina

Other Regulations

Possession and Collection
Facts about possession of wildlife. 
Sale of Wildlife Regulations
Rules for buying and selling wildlife. 

Wildlife Depredation
Regulations applying to wildlife that cause property damage.

If you require more specific information about a situation, you may contact the Wildlife Enforcement Division. For a legal opinion concerning a specific question, you may wish to consult a private attorney.