Nongame Possession And Collection
Rules applying to possession, protection, collection, taking, and transportation of nongame wildlife are as follows:
- It is unlawful to possess any species of tongueless or african clawed frog (xenopus spp.) or to stock or release them in the public or private waters of lands of North Carolina. (see 15a ncac 10b .0123 for more information)
- It is unlawful to possess any live individuals listed in rule 15a ncac 10c .0211, or to stock any of them in the public or private waters of North Carolina.
Protection of Endangered/Threatened/Special Concern
- It is unlawful to take or possess any endangered, threatened, or special concern species at any time. The executive director may issue permits to take or possess an Endandered, Threatened, or Special Concern species according to regulations and policies in place (see 15a ncac 10i .0102 for more information). To determine if you need a permit or to get more information about qualifications, please call 833-950-0575.
- The executive director is authorized to license qualified individuals to take or collect any species of fish from the inland fishing waters of the state, or game fish from the joint or coastal waters, other than an Endangered or Threatened species. (see 15a ncac 10c .0214 for more information)
- The executive director is authorized to license qualified individuals to take or collect any species of wildlife resources except that Endangered, Threatened, Special Concern species may not be taken or collected except under a special permit issued by the executive director for research purposes. (see 15a ncac 10b .0119 for more information)
- It is unlawful for any person to take, or have in possession, any nongame mammal or bird unless you have a collection license or collecting fewer than 5 reptiles or fewer than 25 amphibians that are not endangered, threatened, or special concerned species. (see 15a ncac 10b .0200 for more information)
- It is unlawful to take nongame fishes, including freshwater mussels, from the inland fishing waters of north carolina in any manner other than with hook and line or grabbling. Nongame fishes may be taken by hook and line or grabbling at any time without restriction as to size limits or creel limits. (see 15a ncac 10c .0401 for more information)
- It is unlawful to take nongame fish for bait in the inland waters of north carolina using equipment other than specified in 15a ncac 10c .0402 (a). It is unlawful to sell nongame fishes or aquatic animals taken as bait. (see 15a ncac 10c .0402 for more information)
- It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to transport live freshwater nongame fishes, or live game fishes in excess of the possession limit, or fish eggs without having in possession a permit obtained from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. (see 15a ncac 10c .0209 for more information)