Handbook & Other Planning Resources
The Green Growth Toolbox Handbook provides guidance on how to incorporate conservation data and conservation science into land use and transportation planning. Download the whole handbook, or review the Table of Contents and download the sections of interest.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Green Growth Benefits Communities
A comprehensive summary of how protecting natural areas in and around communities contributes to a higher quality of life, economic development, and climate resilience.
Section 2: Conservation Data
Guidance on the recommended GIS-based spatial data that should be used to guide land use and transportation planning.
Section 3: Habitat Conservation Recommendations
NC Wildlife Resources Commission’s official habitat conservation recommendations, based on scientific research. These can be applied to planning and development review to ensure that habitats are protected in developing communities.
Section 4: Green Planning
Recommendations and examples from communities on how to incorporate conservation data and science into plans, including comprehensive, land use, future land use, transportation, hazard mitigation, and parks and greenways plans.
Section 5: Green Ordinances & Incentives
Recommendations and examples from communities on how to incorporate conservation data and science into ordinances and incentives, including zoning, subdivision requirements, solar farms, wind towers, and development review processes.
Section 6: Green Development Review
A comprehensive summary of how protecting natural areas in and around communities contributes to a higher quality of life, economic development, and climate resilience.
Other Planning Resources to Support Wildlife Habitat Conservation
Habitat Conservation Recommendations
Wildlife Action Plan