Training Workshops
The Green Growth Toolbox provides free training to planners, local government staff, local advisory boards, and planning consultants through training workshops. Brief presentations introducing the Green Growth Toolbox can also be delivered to Town Councils, Boards of Commissioners, and advisory boards.
Upcoming Trainings
Introduction to the Green Growth Toolbox
What is the Green Growth Toolbox and why is it important to NC counties, communities, local economies, and the future of our wildlife?
Introduction to Conservation Data for Green Growth
Explore maps related to wildlife habitat conservation and land use planning and the NC Natural Heritage Data Explorer. This is the first of two webinars on conservation data.
In-Depth Conservation Data for Green Growth
This is the second of two webinars on conservation data. Please watch the recorded webinar on an Introduction to Conservation Data for Green Growth first. In this in-depth version you will learn more about the NC Natural Heritage Data Explorer and an introduction of how to integrate wildlife habitat maps and data into plans, ordinances, and development review.
Green Planning
Learn how to integrate habitat conservation maps, goals, and strategies into land use planning; this session will highlight case studies from all over NC.
Greening Incentives & Ordinances
This webinar will help planners understand barriers and opportunities for incentive-based habitat conservation through ordinances
Green Development Site Selection, Design, & Review
This webinar will help planners and developers choose development areas that have less impact on wildlife habitat, incorporate wildlife habitat protection into development design.
Continuing education credits provided by: