
A selection of species found in North Carolina.

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Mitten Crayfish

Mitten Crayfish

Scientific Name: Cambarus J. asperimanus
Classification: Nongame Fish - Crustacean



Mountain Chorus Frog

Scientific Names: Pseudacris brachyphona
Classification: Nongame species-State listed as Special Concern
Range: Rare; Extreme southwest corner of state (blue)

Mountain Creekshell exterior

Mountain Creekshell

Scientific Name: Villosa vanuxemensis

Classification:  State Threatened

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Mud Snake

Non-venomous watersnake

Scientific Name: Farancia abacura

Information hosted elsewhere



Scientific Name:  Necturus maculosus
Classification: Nongame species; state listed as special concern
Range/Abundance: Rare


Scientific Name: Esox masquinongy

Classification:  Game Fish

Abundance: Inhabit the New, Nolichucky, and French Broad Rivers, as well as a few reservoirs in western NC.


Scientific Name: Ondatra zibethicus

Classification: Furbearer species 

Abundance: Found throughout the state;
rare in coastal areas of southeastern NC

New River Crayfish

New River Crayfish

Scientific Name: Cambarus H. chasmodactylus
Classification: Nongame Fish - Crustacean