Pigmy Rattlesnake
Scientific Name: Sistrurus miliarus
Classification: State Listed as Special
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A selection of species found in North Carolina.
Scientific Name: Sistrurus miliarus
Classification: State Listed as Special
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Scientific Name: Quadrula pustulosa
Classification: State Extirpated
Images are currently not available.
Scientific Names: Hyla andersonii
Classification: Nongame species; State-listed as Threatened; N.C. Natural Heritage Program-Significantly Rare. Official State Frog of NC.
Range: Pine forests, sandhills of south-central NC (blue)
Scientific Names: Hyla femoralis
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Coastal Plain (blue)
Scientific Name: Aphredoderus sayanus
Classification: Nongame Fish
Abundance: Common in NC (dark area)
Scientific Name: Tritogonia verrucosa
Classification: State Extirpated
Images are currently not available.
Scientific Name: Elliptio folliculata
Classification: State Special Concern
Photo Credit: NCWRC
Scientific Name: Protonotaria citrea
Classification: Nongame Species
Abundance: Common throughout the Coastal Plain; uncommon in Piedmont; rare in mountains
Scientific Name: Lepomis gibbosus
Classification: Game Fish
Abundance: Reservoirs throughout NC, as well as many coastal rivers.
Scientific Name: Toxolasma lividus
Classification: State Extirpated
Photo Credit: NCWRC
Scientific Name: Cyclonaias tuberculata
Classification: State Endangered
Photo Credit: NCWRC
Non-venomous watersnake
Scientific Name: Regina septemvittata
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Scientific Name: Procyon lotor
Classification: Game Species and Furbearer
Abundance: Common throughout state