
A selection of species found in North Carolina.

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Scientific Name: Coluber constrictor

Information hosted elsewhere

Rainbow mussel exterior


Scientific Name: Villosa iris

Classification:  State Threatened 

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Rainbow Trout

Scientific Name: Oncorhyncus mykiss
Classification: Game Fish
Abundance: Mountain region in the western part of the state.


Rat Snake


Scientific Name:  Elaphe obsoleta (Pantherophis alleghaniensis)

Classification:  Nongame

Abundance:  Common throughout the state

Red Burrowing Crayfish

Red Burrowing Crayfish

Scientific Name: Cambarus J. carolinus
Classification: Nongame Fish - Crustacean



Red Fox

Scientific Name: Vulpes vulpes
Classification: Game Species 
Abundance: Common throughout state

The red fox is the one of two types of foxes found in North Carolina. The other is the gray fox.

Red Swamp Crayfish

Red Swamp Crayfish

Scientific Name: Procambarus S. clarkii
Classification: Non-native