
A selection of species found in North Carolina.

345 results found
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Striped Skunk

Scientific Name: Mephitis mephitis
Classification: Furbearer and game species
Abundance: Occupies most of the state (green); rare
to absent in certain Coastal Plain counties

Surgeon Crayfish

Surgeon Crayfish

Scientific Name: Orconectes P. forceps
Classification: Nongame Fish - Crustacean



Tar River Spinymussel interior

Tar River Spinymussel

Scientific Name: Elliptio steinstansana

Classification:  Federal and State Endangered

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Tennessee Heelsplitter exterior

Tennessee Heelsplitter

Scientific Name: Lasmigona holstonia

Classification:  State Endangered

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Tennessee Pigtoe exterior

Tennessee Pigtoe

Scientific Name: Fusconaia barnesiana

Classification:  State Endangered

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Tidewater Mucket external

Tidewater Mucket

Scientific Name: Leptodea ochracea

Classification:  State Threatened

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Triangle Floater exterior

Triangle Floater

Scientific Name: Alasmidonta undulata

Classification:  State Endangered

Photo Credit: NCWRC

Tundra Swan

Scientific Name: Cygnus columbianus
Classification: Game Species
Abundance: During migration, the tundra swan occurs widely on coastal marshes and on large bodies of water.

Turkey Vulture

Scientific Name: Cathartes aura

Classification: Nongame Species

Abundance: Found statewide